Passion Defined

My Story For His Glory

If you couldn't tell from the title, tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to be 19!!! Only one more year in the teens! :-P I remember being about 9 years old wishing I could somehow speed up the clock and make myself one of the "cool teenagers." I don't know that I'd call myself a "cool" teenager, but now that I'm here and almost through with the teen years, I have no idea where the time has gone! I've seen times of trial and times of blessing, but through it all, I've seen God's amazing grace and faithfulness, especially in this past year of my life! I know that we're not guaranteed another tomorrow, let alone another year, but however long the Lord chooses to allow me to live on this earth, I will look forward to how God will move and work in me during my 19th year of life. I crave your prayers as I continually seek God's will and direction!

As a small birthday favor, would y'all (those who are regular followers/readers of my blog) just leave a short comment on this post? I'd like to get a better idea of how many people actually read my posts! ;-) Thanks, and I hope all of you have a blessed 2010!!!

To an audience of One,



Zac said...

My gosh it seems like just a couple of weeks ago we were piling into a suburban at 5 o'clock in the morning heading out to San Antonio for the Film Academy.

Josh I am very glad that I have become your friend and gotten to know you, I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for us! Great memories have been made and even more will be made between our families.

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday, Joshua!
God bless you in the coming year while standing and fighting the spiritual battle that goes on around us. Praise Jesus!

God bless!
In Him,
Rachel M.

Anonymous said...

happy (almost) birthday!

Myranda Roberson said...

Happy Birthday Josh!!!!
I hope you have a GREAT day!!!
I agree I wish I could somehow speed up time so I could drive, have a job ect...ect...
LOL :-)


Caleb said...

Happy birthday, good friend.

And I most certainly do read your blog. Someone's gotta keep you in check, right? :P Haahahaha

Katie said...

Happy almost Birthday! 19's a good age, at least I've enjoyed it so far. :)

Bethany said...

I read your blog though I don't always comment. :) Happy Birthday and my God bless you year!


running4him said...

Have a totaly awesome birthday!!!

Jenna said...

Happy 19th Birthday, Joshua! I hope that you have a blessed day and a blessed year, full of God's love and grace!

Your sister in Christ,

Josh said...

Hi Joshua,
Happy Birthday! You will definitely be in my prayers as you continue to strive for the Lord, serving Him to the best of your ability. May this next year of your life draw you ever closer to our savior and bring many blessings your way...
As for the Birthday favor, I am definitely a fan! I follow and am always thrilled when I see that you posted!!!
God Bless you brother,

Marc said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

I hope that you will have a great day and enjoy all the fun!!!! I pray that God will bless mightily this year, and continue to grow you and shine His face upon you. Have an awesome day my friend!!!!!


Katie said...

Prayin' for you! (And I read your blog. :p Great stuff)

happy happy happy birthday!

TexasLady said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!!!!!!!! :)


Michelle said...

Hope you have a spectacular birthday! =)


Kristen L. said...

Oh My Goodness, you are SO old Josh! Just kidding. I hope you have a simply fantastic, wonderful, stupendous, awesome birthday TODAY! You are such a great friend and i am glad to have met you less than two years ago. Do something fun and crazy and with friends and family today.

a very merry birthday,

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday!

Love you!


Vanessa said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!!!

I know I just wished you a happy birthday over the phone, but I know you also asked us bloggers/followers a favor of leaving a comment! :) I may be one of the last ones to leave a comment, but it has been one of those days. Anyways, I hope that you have had a fantastic birthday and that you will have a wonderful new year as you step into this new chapter of life. You really have a great ministry over your blog and all I really have to say is keep up the great work. May God continue to bless you and grow you as you allow him to work in your life. We all may not consider ourselves cool teenagers because we are SO different, nevertheless, we are children of God and that is all what matters. Holding Him fast in your arms and striving to live a righteous life! God bless you in your last year of being a teenager and continue to be a great example to all of those around you. God bless you!

In Christ,

P.S. Today in exactly 18 months I'll be 19, that kinda scares me! ;) Time sure does fly!

Megan said...

Hi! Happy Birthday, late. I read your blog sometimes.

--Megan L.

Dee Jarvis said...

Belated happy birthday Josh! May God continue to bless you! I'm grateful that God brought our families together and for your friendship with Daniel.
Mrs. Jarvis

Leah said...

Hello, Brother dear! Contrary to public opinion, I DO read your blog. :)

Marianna said...

Happy birthday Joshy (uuu.. I'll leave off the two names that sometimes follow that, seein' as how this is a public blog and all ;)!! :D I'm sorry I'm a day late, but hopefully y'all do "birthweeks" like we do around here. ;) Hope it was a great day! I look forward to seeing what God does in your life in this new year, and it's such a blessing to count you as an adopted brother! :)

Angie said...

Hope you had a very happy and blessed birthday Joshua! I will always know exactly how old you are since I was married that day! Looking forward to seeing God's hand in your life again this coming year. You are a blessing!

Erica Melugin said...

Happy late birthday Joshua!!!!!! lol...

Joshua said...

Everyone, thanks so much for leaving me birthday comments! It was truly a wonderful bday gift and I enjoyed each one!!!

Vanessa said...

Happy belated birthday Joshua!!!

Amy said...

Should have checked this sooner - would have said happy (belated) birthday today at choir! Happy late birthday Josh!! Havea very blessed and very wonderful nineteenth year :) . Continue to serve the Lord with all your might!

Kris said...

I should have seen this earlier, but alas your day went by. Happy belated Birthday, Joshua!

Pastor Lee

Joshua said...

Haha, that's perfectly fine! Thanks Pastor Lee!:)

Katie said...

Oh, well I guess I didn't get around to reading this post.
Happy very, very, very late Birthday.
I read your blog... to some extent.:)

Jessy Jones said...

well, happy bday! i just found ur blog from one of the links on Joshua (a warrior's heart)'s blog, but it looks interesting--so i'm probably gonna be a regular reader from now on! (tho i'm also probably going to get behind at one point or another. :D)

a sister in Christ,

Mrs P said...

What's the latest "happy birthday" wish you've ever gotten? ;-)

Joshua said...

Sad to say, but I can't remember! :(

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