(So what in the world does that have to do with fishing poles??? Just thought it was a great way to grab your attention!!!) ;-) Hey everyone! Last Wednesday, a church friend of ours took a bunch of guys from our church deep-sea fishing in the Gulf. We left out of Matagorda and went probably 25-30 miles out. Wow, was the water a beautiful blue!!! We had a great time...except for the fact that I got seasick... :( (hence the title!) I know, who would have thought that someone like me would get seasick??? It was weird because I've never had that happen before, but I guess it's just one of those things...Anyway, despite the fact that I had to occasionally relieve myself *cough, cough* I had a great time and we caught quite a few fish! I caught Red Snapper and Kingfish, and it was a TON of fun. I thought you all might enjoy a few pics from the trip so enjoy!!!
How do you like that...the minute we get back to the dock and I start feeling a little better, they put me to work cleaning the boat!!!! Just kidding! :) I really had quite an enjoyable time, except for the times that I really wasn't having such a great time....yeah...
hehe nice, I get sea sick too, though not motion sick in general, kinda strange... Glad you had fun
OH MAN!!! What an AB work out that day!!!
I had a GREAT time that day, and even though I lost my breakfast too (and the dinner from the night before too, I think :P) I would go back out there again.
MAN I WANT TO GO FISHING!!!!!!! It sounds so fun! I've never been deep sea fishing! lol
Looks ummm.......FUN!
(For the most part. *cough*.)
I'm glad the little incident didn't stop you from enjoying the rest of your trip though! :D
You guys caught a lot of fish! It tastes great too!
The water does look beautiful...
That picture of you on the boat (especially with your comment below) reminds me of the book "Old Man and the Sea" which we've recently been reading for worldview. :P (it's terribly boring though)
It looks like y'all had a good time! I'm sorry you threw up so much! :(
Oh that's awesome! Sounds like a great deal of fun!! Sorry, but I was actually laughing when I read the part where you felt sick to your stomach! LOL!!! I know, it feels terrible, because I get that feeling when I go on roller coasters, but it's just funny! :) I guess it's funny because I wouldn't ever guess it would make you throw UP-I mean, I can't imagine Marc throwing up!! ;p Oh, by the way, beautiful pictures...doesn't look very much like TX!
Looks like y'all had a blast out there even with the sickness!!! I bet the fish tasted really good too. It looks like a ton of fun. I'd go in a heart beat, despite the throwing up!!! I guess the throwing up part comes along with the fun.
Looks like fun, even if you did lose some weight!
Haha, yeah I lost a pound or two Griffin! ;-)
Oh, I'd definitely go out again...after taking Dramamine of course! lol
Did you get so sick? Did you have fun??
It looked like a blast! I'm just a little jealous. :D
I've been deep sea fishing before! I know the feeling! lol!
Hey man, I'm glad you had a great time and I'm sorry I wasn't there to have fun with you!
wow i want to go fishing again i haven't been in like 4 years sounds fun!!!
Yeah, I've had that experience before. I felt great after getting back ashore! It's still a cool experience to be out there though.
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