Passion Defined

My Story For His Glory

Friday, November 11, 2011


Well my friends, it is time for me to say farewell!  It has been almost a year since I've posted here and I've decided it is time to move on.  But, I will not be moving on from blogging!  Not by any means.  I have begun a new blog, which I hope you all will visit.  I was just ready for a change; a new blog and a fresh start.  I've greatly enjoyed the time and conversations here at Passion Defined and I will leave it up for anyone who may want to peruse the entries, but I will officially say goodbye to my first blog and hello to my next.  Thanks to all my readers for your participation, contribution, thoughts and prayers.  May God richly bless you all as you walk with Him and as you seek to glorify His Name.

To God be the glory!

To an audience of One,



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